Friday, August 27, 2010

Quilting in Cambridge

I was wondering if I'd be able to keep learning how to quilt in Cambridge. I had a bit of a Google and emailed a few places and the team at Sew Creative have informed me that they do quilting classes! I'm very excited.

There is even a quilting group called Cambridge Quilters although they look like they take things a little more serious than I do!

Spotted Owl

I've recently discovered the wonder of Hawthorne Threads. They had almost daily updates of new fabric on Facebook and I spotted (pun intended) this this morning.

I think they are absolutely adorable. Owls make me think of night which makes me think of being snuggled up in my quilt so I think they would be lovely on a quilt top!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yellow Brick Road: Week One

Yesterday was my first class at Patches for the beginner's Yellow Brick Road class. And I loved it! I was so into it the owner of the store told me I was my own production line.

I ended up a bit ahead of the class and the tutor of the class, a lovely lady named Christine, gave everyone some homework that they could do by themselves at home depending on what stage they were up to. Except, once I knew how to read the pattern, and once I'd done my homework I kind of wanted to keep going. So I spent all night sewing until I could sew no more. And now I have this after 1 day:

I'm not too sure about the darker patch in among it all but I guess it adds variety. I also have to figure out exactly how I want to arrange all those 20 squares. Fun fun fun!

So I guess now I just have to put it all together. I'm going to wait for my class to do that but I am skipping next week to go to the zoo for my little cousin Zahra's birthday.

All in all I love quilting and am now terribly afraid that my thesis is never going to get finished.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

All geared up with no where to go!

Patches offers a free introductory lesson to your sewing machine if you purchase one from there. It's a great store. I've only been in three or four times and they already know me by name and are very helpful.

I had my lesson yesterday and then decided to purchase my beginner gear (cutting boards, rulers, sharp cutty thing that looks like a pizza cutter) and my material. I originally wanted to stick with white and a few dusky colours but Sharon (one of the ladies at Patch) said that they like you to have 4 dark, 4 medium and 4 light for the Yellow Brick Road class so you can have some contrasts going. So I started walking around the shop and just picked up Fat Quarters that I liked the look of until I had 10 or so. Then Sharon took a look and put them into groups for me (fauns, blues and pinks) and told me to get more pinks and then I'd be done. She sounds like she knows what she is talking about. I just like looking at the pretty patterns.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bernina Bernette H70

I bought it today at Patches Indooroopilly.

It is still in the box. It's just sitting there staring at me.

I have to write a Matlab Module for MATH1051, figure out the notation for deriving the Lax entropy conditions for hyperbolic PDEs and mark 500 MATH1050 midsemester exams before I'm allowed to play with it.

Life is not fair.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bear Paw Quilting

I was thinking about visiting here while in Coeur d'Alene. They were selected to be featured in the US Better Homes & Gardens Quilt Sampler which is quite competitive. Any suggestions of what to look out for?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Days

I found this on Bear Patch Quilting Co.'s website and I love it! I would like to be able to make it using some paler colours so it'll have a shabby chic/ French country look to it.

Yellow Brick Road

My first full quilt is going to be Yellow Brick Road. There's actually a better Beginner's class at Patches in Indooroopilly but I loved this quilt when I looked at it. This is what the pattern packet advertises:

And here are some other quilting bloggers' attempts at the same pattern that I really like.



Some things I like...

These, this, this, these, this and this.

And I'd like to say a special thanks to Meg who inspired me to get my butt into gear and join a quilting group (and subsequently find out my sewing machine is broken and that I definitely want a $3300 new one but may only be able to afford a $500 new one) and her blog that linked me to some of the above sites. She's going to be my quilting buddy next term at Patches in Indooroopilly so she will get to experience the full range of my swearing vocabulary.

How Not To Be a Not Crafty Vegan

It doesn't really have the same ring to it, does it?

Welcome to my craft blog. I always like little craft projects and have recently taken up quilting so thought I might keep a craft blog to keep track of my ideas and to let other people have an input.