Monday, April 18, 2011

Finished Barrels of Fun

This was my second quilt and everything went a lot faster than my first quilt despite the fact that this was a much bigger quilt. I used polyester for the batting and do admit that it's a bit of a pain to work with. In my first quilt I used cotton and it sandwiched a lot better than the polyester and was a lot easier to feed through the machine and quilt.

I was in a bit of a rush to get this one finished so that our guests had something to sleep under so I didn't do that much quilting. I absolutely despise the sandwiching and quilting part of the process (up to attaching the binding which I love to do by hand in front of some BBC romance) so I may or may not quilt some more of it in the future.

Overall I'm super pleased with myself for finishing it so quickly and I just love the colours and the pattern. It cheers the room up nicely and I'm sure our future guests will be happy to have something to sleep under.

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